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for Dynex 32" Class / 720p / 60Hz / LCD HDTV and compare prices. See reviews and store ratings for Dynex 32" Class / 720p / 60Hz / LCD HDTV. Buy the right product .
4.0 out of 5 stars Well performing budget t.v. This 32" Dynex HDTV has been a great performer and makes for a perfect television for a small/medium sized room.
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VideoSecu LCD LED TV Wall Mount Full Motion with Swivel Articulating Arm for 23-37, up dynex 32 class 720p 60hz lcd hdtv dynex 32 class 720p 60hz lcd hdtv to 42 in TV Flat Panel Screen With VESA 200 100, 20 in extension and Post-installation .
Best Buy has the Dynex - 32" Class / LCD / 720p / 60Hz / HDTV for $219.99. Shipping is $13.94.
Best Buy has the Dynex - 32" Class / 720p / 60Hz / LCD HDTV for $249.99. Shipping is $36.42
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Dynex 32"" Class / 720p / 60Hz / LCD HDTV reviews. Find LCD TV reviews at Buzzillions including 271 reviews of Dynex 32"" Class / 720p / 60Hz / LCD HDTV.
Product Features. 31-1/2" screen measured diagonally from corner to corner: Optimal for viewing in medium size rooms. Ultraslim design (3-7/8" deep without stand): Ideal for .
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Dynex 32"" Class / 720p /
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